Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

Experience the wonder of discovery as you rebuild a crumbling kingdom in Meridian: Age of Invention, an innovative time and resource management game! To renovate rundown villages, you'll have to hire workers, scour for resources, repair infrastructure, provide food and other services, engage in trade and create machines that will make life easier for the people. To win a gold trophy on each level, you'll have to use your ingenuity to figure out the quickest way to gather resources and complete your other tasks.

As you travel through lush grasslands, arid deserts and a village built on the sea, your guide will be Professor Cardano, an eccentric but brilliant inventor. Along the way, you'll meet many other zany characters, all of whom have their own dreams you can make come true. Endlessly imaginative, visually stunning and accessible to players of every skill level, Meridian: Age of Invention will take you to a time and place you'll never want to leave!

Windows XP or later / 1.2 GHz processor / 512 MB RAM / 1024x768 or higher resolution / 600 MB hard drive space / DirectX 8.0 or later
Try 231.33Mb

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