Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

Experience Aladdin's timeless adventures like never before in this visually stunning match-three game! Match jewels to create a path for Aladdin across each level. Collect a magic carpet, a powerful sword and other items to overcome obstacles. And call upon the Genie for help as you navigate a jaw-dropping underwater realm, an unforgettable island in the clouds and a secret observatory. If Aladdin is able to reach the end of his journey and pluck fruit from the Tree of Life, he'll even capture the heart of a beautiful princess named Boudour! Allow Legend of Aladdin to carry you away to a realm beyond imagination!

Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 / Processor speed: 1 GHz Processor / RAM: 384MB / Hard drive space (uncompressed): 250 MB / Graphics Card: DirectX compatible video card / Sound Card: DirectX compatible audio card / DirectX version: 8.0
Try 117.26Mb

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