Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

In the land of Albian, magic is an everyday thing. And from time to time, the most powerful wizards, sorceresses, and magicians in the land congregate for the Convention of Magic Masters. This year, the get-together will take place at the beautiful Albian Castle, home of Gwendolyn the Fairy Godmother. Gwendolyn is overwhelmed by all the work to be done before the gathering, and has called upon you to help. Search her castle for treasures to pay for the necessary repairs; solve more than 80 unique puzzles; seek and find thousands of objects; and choose from among a myriad of medieval upgrades. Can you finish before the Masters arrive?

Operating system: Win2000/XP/Vista/7 / Processor speed: 1000 MHz / RAM: 512mb / Hard drive space (uncompressed): 300mb / DirectX version: 8 or higher
Try 161.36Mb

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