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Įvertink žaidimą:

Let your imagination take over and create the campsite that you have always dreamed of in Youda Camper!

You will have the option of creating any type of campsite you want, because you are the campsite owner who is fully in charge! Its your goal to make sure that plenty of campers visit your campsite so that your revenue keeps flowing in! This will give you the opportunity to expand your campsite!

Build your own tents, bungalows, parks, bingo halls, supermarkets and playgrounds! Construct roads, take care of landscaping, solve disasters, and much more in this adventurous and recreational management game!

Each group of campers requires different kinds of surroundings. It is important for you to accommodate your campers with important campsite objects such as toilets, showers, lighting and more!

You can even stimulate your campsite's growth with various advertising campaigns! Are you ready to manage your own piece of the great outdoors?

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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