Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

Do you have an eye for adventure and a nose for fun? Then embark on a journey to recover the Treasure of the Ages from the evil Jacques, who together with his henchman, Toadie, stole the priceless antiquities from the museum for which you work. To complete your mission, you must capture Jacques before he can harness the power of the treasure and take over the world.

As Will Scout, your quest will take you and your beautiful assistant, Anna Lyze, to 30 hotspots around the globe. At each location, you'll search for the clues that will keep you tight on the trail of Jacques. Using your mouse, you'll scour dozens of screens for hundreds of items hidden within plain sight. Can you stop Jacques from carrying out his nefarious plan? It's up to you, so download Hide & Secret today!

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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