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Get ready for an exciting deep-sea experience in Aquaball, a new Arkanoid game from the publisher of Magic Ball 2. You won't be smashing bricks, though, but rather the things a scuba diver might see when plunging into the crystalline waters of a tropical paradise. From brilliantly animated seashells, starfish and other marine life to anchors, treasure chests and explosive mines, Aquaball is brimming with creativity.

Aquaball offers more than crustacean-crushing action; it also contains five mini-games unlocked at various points throughout the campaign, including a fun memory matching challenge. In addition, you can utilize 23 bonuses and wreak havoc with several weapons, including the devastating Aqua-Gun, which fires an expanding ring of water-bullets. Of course, all of this looks great in action! Items swirl and dance across the screen in a dazzling aquatic ballet while vast columns of steam rise from ancient volcanoes in the background. Download Aquaball today and begin riding the wave to watery thrills!

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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