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Įvertink žaidimą:

Giant mushrooms and treasure chests are ripe for the picking, but Carl the Caveman can’t gather them on his own. Can you to help the primitive protagonist push rocks, smash crates and avoid traps as he solves each level of his new arcade puzzle game? Dragons, Blue Goblins and Mad Mushrooms will do their best to prevent our hero from reaching his goal. But you can get rid of them by pushing boulders onto their heads. You’ll also need to collect keys that can open locked doors and use magical springs and teleporters. Carl’s adventure is set in a side-scrolling 3D world teeming with vibrant life. Flowers hop, skip and boogie as clouds dance in the background; even Carl can’t help but smile in the crooked way cavemen do. You’ll grin, too, as he uses his giant hammer to shatter rocks or his feet dangle in the air as a magical spring lifts him to higher ground.

PIII-750 / 128M RAM / 3D Video 32M

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