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Winter has come! It’s high time for winter vacations. Our treasure mole has already begun his new ventures in the winter mines. Dig about collecting gold nuggets while avoiding falling objects, deadly enemies or being trapped.

Each level requires gathering a certain number of gold nuggets and/or destroying a certain number of enemies. The current level's objective is displayed in the upper right corner. You can also collect gems and minerals, which will give you additional points. There are three game packs: easy, normal and hard. The first one is intended especially for kids. The second pack is more complicated. The third one is difficult enough to make your brains boil. It requires logical thinking and strategy, because all weapons are off.

Beware of snowballs; if they fall on the mole’s head it’ll cost him life. But the same can happen to a monster! Instead of wasting weapons sometimes it is better just drop a snowball right to a monster’s head. The number of missiles is limited. So spend them only when it’s really necessary.

Get ready to explore the mines and collect gold nuggets with our treasure mole.

Pentium 300MMX or higher

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