Atsisiųsti žaidimą

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Įvertink žaidimą:

Build the city of your dreams! Construct houses and industrial parks, produce goods and deliver them to shopping malls, and setup a mass transit system to take people to the other places you build, including parks, movie theaters and stadiums. Next, make your city a better place in which to live by recycling garbage, adding hospitals and fire stations, and planting trees. Then make your residents even happier by launching spectacular public events, trading with neighboring cities and building a marina and a train depot. Finally, deal with economic downturns, population crises and the consequences of natural disasters. Balance time, income, environment, population and happiness, and the world will be your oyster!

Windows XP/Vista/Win7 / PIII 1.0 GHz / 256 MB RAM / 32 MB VRAM or 32-bit Video Card / 16 bit DirectX compatible sound Card / DirectX 8.0

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